Evidence based care

Dr Emma Ward 


Advanced Certificate in Menopause Care

Taking the time to give mid life the care it deserves...

I have set up this clinic to meet the need from women to help navigate the menopause transition. There is a huge amount of information out there from a variety of sources but through my training with the British Menopause Society I can help you find reliable and trusted information and help guide to the right course of treatment for you. 
Mid life is the perfect opportunity to also take stock of present lifestyle factors and make the necessary changes to improve  symptoms and prevent the onset of chronic disease. 
I am passionate about maintaining good health into older years and aim to optimise both health span and lifespan. Undoubtedly good nutrition, exercise and sleep are key pillars in this but for many  women hormone replacement is the additional step they need to feel at their best. 

Individualised Care...
By allowing an hour's initial consultation I can get to know you better and gain an understanding of your symptoms and how this is affecting your life. It is imperative to assess your past medical, reproductive and family history, then together with the symptoms that are troublesome to you, we can tailor a treatment plan individualised to meet your needs.